[pan that palette] Seasonal edition: Primark & The Lion King eyeshadow palette finale / Urban Decay Naked Petite Heat intro

Primark & The Lion King eyeshadow palette finale / Urban Decay Naked Petite Heat intro
Half a year has passed so it's time to move on to my 3rd palette of my seasonal pan that palette project... And ooh my, what a year it's been, global pandemic and devastating earthquake! I'm waiting for Godzilla to show up this quarter and then aliens as cherry on top just before the end of the year. Jokes aside, we are all currently struggling to cling to something to keep us sane and my thing was definitley keeping up with my panning projects. Here in Croatia, we were sheltering in place for about two months, but during June I've returned to the office so my panning progress picked up.

During 3 months of usage, I've managed to only hit pan on one shade, Hakuna Matata, of Primark & The Lion King eyeshadow palette. I was hoping for 2 pans, but with everything what's been going on, I'm happy to see any progress and I'm ready to move on to another palette.

Here's the progress made:
Primark & The Lion King eyeshadow palette
From beginning of July all the way through September I'll be working on Urban Decay Naked Petite Heat palette. This color story was an obvious pick for summer time. Palette consists of six shades, 5 mattes and one satin, which will be kind of a challenge for me as I almost never wear all matte looks.  Of course, I'll be continuing with my palette shop my stash so I'll be pairing this palette with another three to create different eyelooks which will allow me to pull some shimmers from other palettes.
When it comes to my project goals for this palette, with all that is going on and according to feedback from other fellow panners, Urban Decay is hard to pan so I'm not even hoping for a single hit pan. My only goal would be to get some more use out of this beauty and make some dents. 
Urban Decay Naked Petite Heat

Have you joined the pan that palette project in 2020?
If you had to choose, which palette would you choose to pan?

*All items bought with my own hard earned cash or gifted by friends.

With love,
atwiglikeme :)
